Scope: Logo Design, Branding, Rich Media, Packaging
Acquire Agency
50 Hours

Acquire tasked me with rebranding their existing visual identity and messaging. Acquire Agency is an advertising agency focused on static and rich media ads for Facebook and Instagram. To tackle this challenge, my team and I broke up the project into multiple different parts. First we updated the messaging, then we created moodboards, and thumbnails, then went into production, and the last step was putting it all together by creating mockups and revising the website. This project taught me the importance of messaging within a brand, and how to incorporate that with their visual identity.

These were the thumbnails I made for Acquire Agency’s logo. Acquire’s previous logo was a typeface logo and one client request was to create a mark that could be easily transferable. From the thumbnails we felt like 2 of the logos were strong enough to use. Acquire followed 4 core values: honesty, transparency, creativity and excellence. We felt like this logo reflected each of these logos clearly. It shows a friendly nature with the uses of rounded corners on the mark, creativity with it being an abstract approach to the letter A and excellence with it visually representing an arrow as well (indicating growth).


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